My Story
The Mares
Elite Mare Candidate Brilliant Blume
Elite Mare Roseblume
Elite Mare Dorfblume
The Farm
Liability Forms
Liability Release Form
Boarding-Horse Information
Boarding Contract
EJD Liabit
Stock Ties
General Information
Stock Tie Pins
Blume Farm Warmbloods-Home
My Story
The Mares
Elite Mare Candidate Brilliant Blume
Elite Mare Roseblume
Elite Mare Dorfblume
The Farm
Liability Forms
Liability Release Form
Boarding-Horse Information
Boarding Contract
EJD Liabit
Stock Ties
General Information
Stock Tie Pins
Boarding Contract
First Name
Last Name
Phone 2
Horse's Name
Please read and check each box
1. Boarder/ Owner (here in noted as Boarder) agrees all Board and Security Deposit will be paid in advance
2. Security Deposit is required and is equal to one month’s Board rate ($600) and will be applied to the last month’s Board. The Boarder grants a lien to the stable for all unpaid charges.
3. Boarder agrees to monthly Board of $600
4. Feed twice daily up to a maximum of 8lb/ daily. We feed Purina Enrich or Purina Ultium Gastric Care. Feed needs above 8lb/ daily will be subject to an additional fee per pound
5. Any additional feeds (beet pulp, alfalfa pellets, etc) or supplements can be supplied by Boarder and fed at no additional charge. Boarder is responsible for keeping reasonable supplies. If farm owner is given enough notice alternate feed/ supplements can be purchased at Boarder’s expense from PBO Feed & Seed.
6. Management of feeding requirements are made with the veterinarian, farm owner and Boarder, but final decisions are determined by a veterinarian
7. Hay is provided in a hay net and fed twice daily through the winter months. Hay provided is local grown fescue/ pasture grass mix and fed approximately 2% body weight daily.
8. Any different or additional hay (alfalfa, timothy,etc) can be fed if provided by Boarder.
9. Fresh water is provided at all times. Winter months a heated or insulated water bucket is provided.
10. Turn out may be individual or group depending on horse’s needs, relationship with other horses, etc.
11. Horses are kept either in their stall/ paddock with 1/2 turn out (weather permitting) or outdoors 24/7 with run-in shelter. For outdoor housed horses, if a stall is needed for any reason additional fees will apply.
12. Run-in shelters are cleaned daily. They are not bedded with shavings. If Boarder would like shavings additional fees will apply.
13. Blanketing/ unblanketing as needed dependent on weather. Blankets are to be provided by Boarder.
14. Damage to and cleaning of blankets are Boarder’s responsibility.
15. Twice annual fecal exams are required (at owner's expense). Deworming as determined by veterinarian
16. Twice annual vaccinations (EEE/WEE/tetanus, flu/rhino, WNV) and annual Rabies are required
17. Annual Coggins is required
18. Boarder is responsible for holding for farrier, trainer and veterinary appointments. If horse is on same farrier schedule as barn owner then we can hold.
19. Board is due 1st of each month and statement is emailed to Boarder. BILLS PAID AFTER THE 5TH ARE SUBJECT TO 10% LATE FEE. BILLS PAID AFTER THE 10TH OF THE MONTH ARE SUBJECT TO 20% LATE FEE.
20. Boarder is responsible for costs related to repairing any damage to property caused by horse that is above normal wear and tear
21. Boarder agrees to give 30 days’ notice for termination of contract. Barn owner will provide 30 days written notice in advance of boarding rate increase or termination of boarding contract.
22. Board and contract applies specifically to horse AND Boarder listed on this contract
23. The horse, to the best of owner’s knowledge, has not been exposed to any contagious or infectious disease for 2 weeks prior to boarding
24. Boarder consents to any medical treatment deemed advisable in an emergency. If we are unable to contact above listed veterinarian the Boarder consents to treatment by alternate veterinarian. HORSE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INCURRED VETERINARY CHARGES.
25. Boarder agrees to wear an ASTM-SEI approved helmet AT ALL times while mounted on the property.
26. Boarder agrees to be the sole rider of the horse unless otherwise arranged with trainer (ie; friend, sale prospect, etc). Any alternate rider must sign a waiver and wear an ASTM-SEI helmet AT ALL times while mounted.
27. Dogs are not allowed on the property without previous arrangements and must be leashed at all times
28. Children under 15 must be supervised by an adult at all times while on the property
29. Boarder agrees to adhere to all policies defined in this agreement
30. As the farm is on a water well Boarder agrees to be conscientious of this and be judicious with water usage. All spigots MUST be TURNED OFF when not in use.
31. Precautions are taken to protect the horse from injury, illness, accident, fire and theft. Property owner or farm shall not be held responsible for injury, illness, accident, fire or theft.
Digital Signature
Thank you!