Solos Landtinus-Don Schufro
DOB: 2012
Registry: Danish Warmblood
Breeder: Oak Hill Ranch
Inspection Scores and Show Record
Louisiana (previous name Vetrie Oak Larya) was shown extensively by her trainer in 2017 at First Level with scores in the 70s. I purchased her in late November 2017 to be my next competition horse. We showed successfully at Training and First Level in 2018. Unfortunately, Lulu sustained a suspensory ligament injury and after years of trying everything possible to rehab the injury she was retired to broodmare duty. Thankfully she has proven to be a super producer! She is now owned by Bridget Hay and we do a breeding partnership which has produced some super offspring by Fynch Hatton, DiMaggio Black and a Bo Esprit for 2025.
Family Lineage
Louisiana was bred at the famous Danish Warmblood breeding farm Oak Hill Ranch. Her dam Licata is a Bronze Medal Danish Warmblood mare by the amazing stallion Don Schufro. This is a very successful dam line producing a licensed stallion FULL brother to Louisiana.
Her sire, Elite stallion Solos Landtinus, was imported to Denmark from Germany as a three year old in 1998. He was overall winner of his 100 day test being highest placed in dressage and third in jumping. His sire Landadel is sire to 65 stallions, 33 prize winning mares, 65 S-class jumpers who have won 960 prizes, 367 breeding mares. Landadel was the winner of the 100 day test in Medingen, Germany in 1985. He is often seen at the damsire in approved stallion pedigrees.